Hovercraft Europe… a highly professional global company.
We support our customers across Europe and around the world.
Hovercraft Europe is the first Italian company for the training, marketing and after-sales assistance of professional Hovercraft. It operates not only on the Italian territory but also throughout Europe and neighboring countries. After years of training in the USA and England, Hovercraft Europe is undoubtedly the most important reality in the sector for southern Europe.
Since 2015 he has been the exclusive representative of Griffon Hoverwork GHL, the largest and most important manufacturer of professional hovercraft in the world. GHL has been at the forefront of hovercraft manufacturing and management for over 50 years. Our customers fly GHL hovercraft on all 5 continents and support over 200 GHL boats in over 41 countries.
Headquartered in Trentino Alto Adige, with commercial offices and a mechanical workshop, it also offers coverage over central and southern Italy with the Terni branch also with commercial and mechanical support.
In the commercial role, our hovercrafts are used around the world for:
- survey work and civil engineering support
- logistics and cargo
- passenger carriage
- coastal sea, ice, airport and lagoon rescue
- mobile medical clinics and air ambulances
Our hovercraft is also used by national security and military operations managers on missions that include:
- border patrol and surveillance
- police and customs duties
- marine interdiction and infrastructure security
- weapons platforms, troop carriers and logistic vehicles
- immigration control
We recognize that product and service quality is of prime importance to our customers and to maintain this focus, we have achieved ISO 9001 accreditation for a number of years to ensure that:
- Our products meet or exceed defined quality, regulatory and contractual requirements.
- We are focused on customers, managing the processes that allow us to continuously achieve and improve customer satisfaction.
- We have defined quality, engineering and design standards to ensure a consistent quality approach to all aspects of our business, based on best practices.
- We invest in a skilled and trained workforce.
- Our work practices and processes are regularly audited by an independent person to ensure compliance and facilitate continuous improvement.
- We are committed to doing things right the first time, and if not, fix problems right away and prevent them from happening again.
Given the organization and professionalism of GHL, we are the only producers to have nautical certifications and authorizations to operate in Italian and European waters.
GHL, depending on the country of destination, will provide the certifications suitable for the service for which the hovercraft is intended.
With our hovercrafts the investment is safe and in compliance with the working environment.